pink purple wrap


Desert Ripple Wrap, designed by SweaterFreak (available to buy on Ravelry), is a stunning knitted wrap using two colours of 4ply yarn. It combines garter stitch, striping and a simple ripple lace effect.


pinks and purples lace effect


I started it in June after a customer recommended the pattern so it's been a long knit both in time and size. My version measures 62" long and 18" wide.


pink and purple knitted wrap


The wrap begins like a top down triangular shawl. I started with Love Your Wallpaper in Don't Talk Back from My Mama Knits.


pink and purple knitted wrap


Don't Talk Back is a blend of merino, yak and nylon. The yak fibre gives the yarn a natural grey colour. Sunshine aka My Mama Knits then dyed it with our exclusive Love Your Wallpaper shade.

For the contrast contrast I used the undyed Tibetan 4ply from Chester Wool. It is a blend of merino, yak and silk and so shares the same greyish colour that is the basis of Don't Talk Back. The silk gives it a gleem.


pink and purples wrap


Once you've done the triangle you then you knit two sides of the triangle out, shaping it into a rectangle.


pink and purple knitted wrap


Really pleased how this turned out. The ripple effect lace looks so good in the hand dyed yarn and the undyed yarn gives a good but subtle contrast.


The pattern does give you some diagrams to explain the shape in case I've confused you!

There are also instructions how to add button holes. Buttons could turn the long rectangle into a cowl or poncho. I did not add buttons. I confess I found the instructions a little confusing! Although once I started knitting that side the instructions did get clearer.


The ripple lace effect is not too tricky (instructions are written only) and you can make it easier by using stitch markers to reduce the need to count the stitches.


pink and purple wrap


The ripple lace is worked over 18 stitches so I added a stitch marker after every 18th stitch. Simply moving them from the right hand needle to the left hand needle when I come to them. There is also a lot of garter stitch so you do get a break!


pink purple wrapunblocked


It is important to block this shawl as the different stitch patterns do make it look wonky when it comes off the needles.

I did my usual blocking routine and soaked the finished wrap in Eucalan, drained the water then squished it in a towel. I then laid it out on my foam playmats. It's important to measure the wrap from the centre out so that each side is the same length. I usually just eye ball this but given the different stitch patterns (there is more stretch on the garter stitch side) I got my tape measure out.

I did use my blocking wires* to get straight edges - weaving them in and out along the garter stitch sides and then pinning against the wire to get a nice taut finish and sharper corners.


pink purple wrapblocked!


pink and purple wrap


If you want to make your own Desert Ripple Wrap you'll need 4ply yarn.

About 685m of your main colour and 275m of a contrast colour. You could get creative with leftovers.

I used Don't Talk Back in Love Your Wallpaper as our main colour and Tibetan 4ply as the contrast.

I think you could make some lovely colour combos using My Mama Knits and/or Nervus Fibre or go more subtle with some Vivacious 4ply. I wonder how a stripey Zauberball would look???

If you've got a hank or two in your stash bring them into the shop and we'll help you find a lovely contrast.

You can buy the pattern on Ravelry here.

You'll also need a 3.75mm x 80cm circular needle.


pink and purple wrap as a scarf


*We have wool wash and T-pins online and in the Pittenweem shop. We also have blocking wires in the Pittenweem shop. Unfortunately they are a bit awkward to post so they are not available online.

If you want to read more about blocking you'll find some photo tutorials at Tin Can Knits and Ysolda.

And there's some photos of other blocking shawls in the Gallery - Double Edged Shawl and Myssoni

Fiona Wright

make your own Desert Ripple Wrap

Get in touch

What do you think of our Desert Ripple Wrap. Will you make one?

Let us know if you need any more info.👇