A review of 2021 - which was a year of lockdown, reviews and celebrations.


new stuff at the woolly brew


Our first review was in April. While we were closed showcased all the new stuff that launched whilst the Pittenweem shop was closed for lockdown for the first 4 months of 2021.

Hard to believe we were closed for so long!


one year of work in progress at the woolly brew


Our second review was in October. One year of WiPs celebrates the first anniversary of our coffee table updates.

And some of those projects are still not finished. 😄



And the third review celebrated 10 years of The Woolly Brew with grainy photos from 2011.



Our birthday celebrations also included Woolly Brew Tea Cups (a free knitting pattern from Woollen Wave), an exclusive hand dyed yarn from My Mama Knits inspired by our shop wallpaper and RingOs stitch markers from Fripperies & Bibelots inspired by the skies above St Monans Windmill.




A sale of felted teacups raised £200 for East Neuk Emergency Trust - a local charity helping people in crisis.



Meanwhile in social media land (we're most active on Facebook and Instagram) these were our most favourited and commented 'project' posts...



Top - Kellister, Botanic, Pom Pom Tree

Middle - Mitered Corner Blanket, Woolly Brew Tea Cups, Colour Block Scarf

Bottom - Love Your Wallpaper, AquaMarline, Scrappy Socks


But after the shop was closed for so long it was great to get back to some real life shop chat. Not just with me but you, chatting amongst yourselves sharing projects and colour preferences and generally admiring each others projects.

So this year we also started a new occasional blog series called Show & Tell with projects made by Woolly Brew customers.


knitting projects

Josefien, Mitered Corner BlanketFloat and Stranded Colourwork Blanket



If you've got something you'd like to share pop into the shop or send me some photos - I love to see what you're working on.

I'm also trying to create more pattern bundles on Ravelry inspired by your pattern requests. Popular requests this year have been tank top/vest/waistcoat patterns and headbands!


vest knitting patternsslipover tank top patterns on Ravelry


headband patterns


Check out all our pattern bundles on Ravelry

We've also added two new free patterns this year - a Simple Side-to-Side Shawl and a new Colour Block Shawl. But our Eyelet Shawl remains our most popular free pattern online.

Coming in the New Year we've got some new simple patterns - a download version of Sue's popular DK mitts and a revamped chunky hat pattern that I've been thinking about for... a while 😆.

There's lots of new shop samples waiting for their ta-dah moments (i.e. I need to write them up) and there will be another Show & Tell too.


purple lace shawlGlenallen knitted by Cat in Fyberspates Gleem Lace


red shawl
Peacock Feather Shawl, knitted by Sabine in Rowan Felted Tweed Colour



Also coming in the spring a new DK yarn from WYS and a new colour effect for a favourite Rowan yarn.

Two new Opal sock yarns are coming too, including these beauties inspired by Van Gogh paintings (no pinks!).


opal sock yarn


And from Ikea... some new shelving! My love of grids will be made real in the shop this January 😍.

Fiona Wright
Tagged: news