An absolutely stunning shawl knitted by Caroline using Schoppel Wolle Zauberball in shade 1536 and Socks Yeah 4ply in 113.
Another great example of how short rows change how self striping yarns stripe. And magically... it's symmetrical!
With the addition of a solid colour (the Socks Yeah) you get an amazing stained glass effect.

The pattern is by Marin Melchior and you can buy it on Ravelry.
The pattern is very detailed with suggestions on modifications and lots of tips to keep your knitting on track. You can use separate colours (some people have recreated the colours of actual butterflies) or like Caroline use a self striping yarn.
By using a yarn with a long colour repeat like Schoppel Wolle Zauberball you get lovely 'sections' of colour without the planning or the yarn ends!
There are nearly three thousand inspiring projects shared on Ravelry too. Lots of people knit more that one Papillon!

If you want to make your own Papillon you will need two Zauberballs (or Zauberball Crazy) and two Socks Yeah 4ply and 3.5mm circular needle. Caroline also used lots of stitch markers to help her easily keep track of her knitting.
If you have issues accessing Ravelry, please get in touch and I'll try and help!