Free digital Woolly Brew knitting pattern for a simple striped knitted blanket.
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Blanket pattern is simple to knit (it's all in garter stitch) and it is easy to modify. We've included a few ideas to get you started. Check out ours in the sample Gallery for more info.
You can make you're own blanket by buying the Super Stripe Blanket kit, or make up your version...
Super Stripe Blanket - approx. 990m of chunky yarn and 6.5mm circular knitting needle at least 80cm long. This blanket measures approx. 110cm wide and 100cm long).
We used Stylecraft ReCreate Chunky yarn in shades - 3375 x 3 balls, 1941 x 2 and 3429 x 2.
You can get the yarn and pattern as a kit here.
Find our circular needle range here.
You will also need wool needle.

Super Stripe Blanket