Free digital Woolly Brew knitting pattern for an asymmetrical scarf in mohair laceweight yarn.
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Read more about this scarf in our gallery.
This is same pattern as our DK and 4ply version. It just uses a different thickness of yarn.
Measures - approx. 240cm along the top edge.
Yarn - 420m of mohair laceweight yarn. We recommend My Mama Knits Float Your Goat.
Needles - circular 4mm, at least 80cm. Click for our circular needle range.
you will also need a wool needle.
Techniques - cast on; work flat; knit; k2tog (knit 2 together); KFB (knit into the front and back of a stitch); S1pwyf (slip a stitch purlwise with yarn at the front); cast off.

Mohair Scarf