Free digital Woolly Brew knitting pattern for a cowl in 4ply yarn.
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Knitted on a circular needle this cowl uses simple slip stitches to create a woven look. It looks great with both highly variegated or semi solid yarns and adds an interesting texture to single colours. Read more about this Half Linen Stitch Cowl in our sample gallery here.
Measures - approx. 40cm tall and 31cm wide laid flat.
Yarn - 1 x 100g 4ply (A) and 1 x 20g 4ply (B) in a contrasting or coordinating colour. We used - Manos Superpool Sock Set in Trapeze.
Needles - circular 3.25mm x 40cm or 60cm. Click for our circular needle range.
you will also need a stitch marker and wool needle
Techniques - cast on; work in the round; knit; purl; K1tbl (knit 1 through back leg); slip 1 purlwise with yarn at the front; cast off in rib.

Half Linen Stitch Cowl